Many different complaints can occur with metabolic disorders. Consider a weakened immune system, skin complaints, insulin resistance, obesity, PPID or Cushing's disease, possibly followed by laminitis.
These complaints are closely related and are often the result of a disturbed metabolism. Based on all these factors, we have put together a complete product that has never been available before, namely Duval Metabolic Support. This product is based on various medicinal mushrooms, algae and herbs. Metabolic Support takes into account all facets that influence the metabolism and the resulting complaints.
We see the complaints more often in older horses, overweight horses and austere breeds such as Friesians, Haflingers, Fjords, Draft horses, Icelanders and Shetlanders.
We have listed the effect of the ingredients to get a clear picture of how the product works
- Chlorella has many functions applicable to sugar metabolism disorders. Chlorella supports blood sugar levels because it improves the functioning of certain hormones such as insulin. In addition, Chlorella stimulates the immune system, has a cleansing effect on the intestines, supports the liver with detoxification and finally has a positive effect on the coat and hooves because it contains and stimulates RNA and DNA.
- Cordyceps sinensis a medicinal mushroom that has a positive effect on the immune system, blood sugar, lungs and kidney function. Numerous animal studies have shown that Cordyceps sinensis helps to counteract hyperglycemia and improve insulin sensitivity. It is the polysaccharides (particularly β-glucans) in Cordyceps sinensis that lower blood glucose levels.
- Reishi (Ganoderma Lucidum) a medicinal mushroom with great medicinal potential. Reishi supports the immune system, glucose levels, respiratory tract, blood circulation and has a cleansing detoxifying effect.
- Algae oil DHA. DHA is the essential fatty acid omega-3 and is directly absorbable and no longer needs to be converted into DHA by the horse's body, as is the case with fatty acids from oils such as linseed and olive oil. The DHA can also be converted into EPA by the body. These fatty acids are known to have an anti-inflammatory effect and are important metabolic regulators. This is important in horses with insulin resistance.
- Ceylon cinnamon the medicinal cinnamon that has a positive effect on blood sugar levels, the intestines and can be used, among other things, to improve the metabolism. Ceylon cinnamon can increase insulin sensitivity, is a powerful antioxidant, mineral rich and supports healthy intestinal function.
- MSM Stimulates the expulsion of waste products from the lamellae of the hooves and is recommended for supporting healthy hoof growth and strong sulfur bonds within the lamellae. MSM has been added for the recovery or maintenance of healthy hooves.
- lithothamnium is a red algae rich in easily absorbable calcium and magnesium to support strong hooves, bones and joints and is necessary for new cell development in these tissues. Buffers excess stomach acid and neutralizes stomach acid if it is too acidic and can cause damage to the stomach lining. In case of thin manure or horses with irregular stools, Lithothamnium can help to obtain healthy manure balls again.
- Turmeric is a very strong antioxidant with an anti-inflammatory effect and is also said to improve insulin sensitivity and can help with high blood sugars. Turmeric can support older horses to keep their natural defenses up and to stimulate self-healing ability.
- Vitamin E is a strong antioxidant and there is often a deficiency in this in combination with the complaints mentioned above. We use the natural and most absorbable form available.