General terms and conditions Duval Products BV
If your order does not meet your expectations, you may therefore return it within 1 days after purchase (outside Europe, you have a period of 8 days) if the product is unused and undamaged by the customer.
2. For transport / administration and shipping costs within the Netherlands, Duval Horse products charges € 6,95 for packages under 10 kilos. Packages above 10 kg, the shipping costs are € 13,25, packages with the destination Belgium are charged at € 10 under 9,95 kg. A rate of € 14,95 under 10 kilos applies for Germany. 3. For orders over € 150, no shipping costs will be charged. 4. All offers from Duval horse products are without obligation. Offers are made subject to availability of the product. In the unlikely event that a product is no longer available, you will be contacted and an alternative may be offered. You can also get the money refunded to your account. Discounts are only valid within the specified term, offers cannot be applied retroactively. Duval horse products has the right to change prices and to correct any typing errors. If you would be disadvantaged by this, you will be notified by e-mail. You then have the right to cancel your order. When you place an order, your data will not be passed on to third parties. The Data Protection Act applies to this. 5. Duval Horse products accepts no liability whatsoever regarding the use of products during events or competitions, for this the rules of the umbrella organization must be consulted or followed. Due to the dynamic developments in this area, the regulations in this area need to be regularly reviewed. 6. Duval horse products is not liable for damage as a result of exceeding delivery times. If your order is not in stock, you will be contacted about the delivery time. If the delivery time is not acceptable to you, the order will be automatically canceled. 7. Images of products may differ slightly from what you receive. Of course you will receive the ordered product. 8. Products are produced from natural products, so the color of the products may differ per batch.